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The Net is a double-edged sword.While it gives us the latest and the most comprehensive knowledge,its safety loophole would bring about enormous harm to people's mental health,especially to teenagers or those having incometent self-control.The main reason of the net safety,in view of net safety supervisors,is the existing phenomenon of empty or weak supervision.The source of the phenomenon is the imperfection of the legal system and the supervising mechanism on the net safety.It is thus an important way to improve the net safety by means of promoting public awareness and perfecting legal system on this issue.


I took part in the activity in our community this afternoon.In the beginning,we listened to the policemen uncles' lecture on the safe of youth.Then we cleaned the community together.And we were phased...


Safety is in my mind
Safety is in my heart


Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.We live in the same world.We need to know that looking after the environment is important.All people on the earth need to increase environmental awareness.Although greening barren hills and improving ecological environment are not something that will bring quick success and in instant benefits,we still need to preserve our earth.The effects of global warming,while not immediate,are potentially catastrophic,and more people know this.So people are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment.We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.We only have one earth.Why hesitate?Let’s do it.


1. Bring your own lunch and drink with you.
2. Pay attention to the safety.
3. The participants must sign up at the SU and the deadline will be this Friday.



Please be safe .且看外国人怎么说人类在同一个地球上生活,生老病死、喜怒哀乐、风霜雨雪、四季往复,必然有许多相通的地方.在从汉语往英语翻译的时候.不妨了解一下在同样的情况下,表达同一个意思,操英语的外国人是怎...


食品安全英文:food safety; food security食品英文:foodstuff; food; provisions; viands deli. 安全英文:safe; secure; safety; security anchor-holdFood safety has attracted increasing attention due to its importance. 食品安全问题引起了人们的普遍关注.All food safety issues can be controlled at the centralized plant. 所有的食品安全问题可在中心工厂控制.


Although swimming is good for our health,we should pay attention to safety.
although 和but不能放一起用


1.时运峰——Good Fortune Peak 马耳山主峰,海拔330.8米,为沈阳南部第一高峰.登上时运峰,消厄运、交好运,聚财,聚气,万事通达,身心愉悦.
As the highest peak of Horse’s Ears Mountain with an elevation of 330.8 meters; it is also the highest peak in southern Shenyang.Climbing up to Good Fortune Peak will bring good fortune to both your family and career.It will also be a exciting journey towards physical and mental adventure.
2.马背峰-—— Horseback Peak 马耳山次峰,海拔300米,因峰顶平坦如马背,故名.马背平坦,寓意四平八稳,稳步向前.
It is the second highest peak of Horse’s Ears Mountain with an elevation of 300 meters.It was so named because the summit surface is as flat as the back of a horse.This name also signifies a smooth life path like a horse's back so that all goes well and you enjoy a steady march forward in life.


热门搜索: 质性研究|咨询师在抑郁和焦虑治疗中使用正念的经验(质的研究心理咨询和治疗常采用这种什么访谈) 焦虑、抑郁风险增加30以上,疫情或影响人类心理20年(疫情对抑郁症的影响) 健康问答,健康咨询,咨询医生,疾病咨询