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In the course of nearly 30-year clinical nursing, I have encountered various puzzles and dilemmas, which made me uneasy and depressed when doing my job and even force me to address an overall perception of the essence and development of modern nursing. Consequently, I addressed brief analyses of the restrictions on the development of nursing at a surface level. In this way, I released my sadness and depress down in my heart since employed, and solved problems about my career and life value. This also made me more responsible for the development of nursing. In order to help out my colleagues in the upset state the same as mine, I propose the following ideas on the fundamental issues of restrictions on nursing’s development, and I would appreciate for the exchange with your honored experts.




热门搜索: 质性研究|咨询师在抑郁和焦虑治疗中使用正念的经验(质的研究心理咨询和治疗常采用这种什么访谈) 焦虑、抑郁风险增加30以上,疫情或影响人类心理20年(疫情对抑郁症的影响) 健康问答,健康咨询,咨询医生,疾病咨询