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英语翻译1 “听音乐能让我心里平静,思绪-自我心理学治疗设置

英语翻译1 “听音乐能让我心里平静,思绪

听音乐能让我心里平静,思绪沉淀下来,这使我感到轻松.Listening music can make me inner peaceful and calm my thought down ,which makes me feel relieved and easy.我有时会写一些东西来记录自己的心情,也会写一...


What's on your mind?你心里想什么呢?That is just what I wanted/hoped for/had in mind.那正是我心里想的/希望的.I said to myself,"I'll do it this way."我心里想:“我要这样做.”He wondered if he would ever...


all in all,my spare time activities are so wonderful.They make me forget about all the troubles related to work,and relieve my stress.

英语翻译我真的喜欢你 为什么你心里有个他

I really like you.Why do you have him in mind?My only wish is your happiness.Even if I am not by your side,even if I could just watch you and him from far,I would leave as long as that could bring you...

英语翻译我们就是我们选择的总和 We'r

We are what we choose.

We are what our choice made.(Our choice made us.)


"我想当心理医生" I want to be a psychiatrist."因为我对心理这方面很感兴趣" "也因为可以帮一些心里有烦恼的人." Because I am very interested in it and it can help the people with psychological distress....

My heart is ill










Everyone has a dream. Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a scientist. My dream is becoming a pianist. The music quality of piano is beautiful, it makes me lost in it. My sorrows will be vanished after I heard that piece of music. I want to express my feelings, my thoughts through playing the piano. I know how difficult to realize this dream, but I won't give up. I believe I can. I have faith in my self that it will come true.

Mein Herz wird immer


可改为 “Mein Herz wird immer bei dir sein.”

翻译为 “我的心将永与你同在”.


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