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I have a dream . i want to be a singer .because i think singer is a interesting work .my favorite singer is hanhong .i think hanhong is very cool .mom says i must hard-working so i will be singer i belive my dream will be come ture 望采纳


I love dancing.My dream is to become a dancer in future.Whenever I watch someone dancing in TV,I admire them and I suppose to be one of them.Their moves are very beautiful and skillful.I will shake involuntarily with dance rhythms as a butterfly when music begins.In the dance.I'm fond of dancing,from I'm exposured to dance.In so many dancing competitions,I understand that no pains,no gains.
I like to dance.It not only brings me honor,happy to my life,but add boundless interest.I want to grow up to be a real dancer with my ideal.


Everyone has a dream. My dream more than others. Others may want to earn a lot of money, but I want to become an astronaut.
Lu Xun once said: "discontent is the wheels up!" An ideal is a force, it can make you feel a sense of achievement, make you success pace. But my ideal is when a traveling the universe astronauts.When the Shenzhou five victory to the space, uncle Yang Liwei in the China boarded the firstspace, won the world's attention, my heart was filled with a pride, for uncle Yang Liwei's greatadmiration, in the heart has one wish - I want to be an astronaut. First of all, when an astronautmust have sufficient knowledge, but must achieve this point, to the bookstore, the science and Technology Museum, the Museum of science and technology of reading a lot of books. Pleaseastronaut expert, experienced astronauts for me to explain each link, each step of the way, so that it can guarantee that I have a lot of knowledge, in order to deal with the space. Then, as a good astronaut, must have the good physical quality, healthy and strong body. It is not difficult, but the need to adhere to, daily high strength training, rotation. To simulate the real situation, underwater training, weight, everything should be proficient in. In order to have the body quality. Finally, is to have strong heart, this is the most difficult, when people know how the life is very short, I willwithdraw, but I will not, if everyone like the former, no one as an astronaut. The astronaut is my ideal, I have to struggle, hard!


Everybody has his own ideal,my ideal is to be a qualified people's teacher.
The teacher can cultivate one many growing up can for the country the house contribute of person,call their knowledge,speak some how to get along with people,is that they know more knowledge and is a good student,good kid and have fine prospect after growing up,cultivate into many people all national useful talented person.
The importance that still makes them should know science technique since the childhood,value science,had a passion for science.Develop to brave creative spirit,open ideal wing,modernize construction to contribute his/her own strength for motherland.Make them know what is illegal,what is commit crime;Want to know law in front everyone equal truth,the academic association is protected himself/herself with the law.
In order to carry out one great ideal,I should good good study science cultural knowledge,actively thinking,be good at discovering,cultivated the spirit that the independence self-renewals since the childhood,do what matters had to have patience,unwilling fall behind,continuously make sure an enterprising target,a realization of target,a new point of departure in the knowledge growth process,overcome study up one and other difficulty.With own effort,must carry out great ideal.


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