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Secretary (S):Good morning/afternoon.How can I help you,sir?(或Madam,看你所说的客人是男是女.不过这么简单的问题我想你应该知道的,不多说了)
Customer (C):Hello.I am here to see Mr/Mrs ___.
S:Can you please tell me your full name?
S:Okay.Now,why are you here to see Mr___ again?I need to record it in our computer system.
C:I am here because of the fridge that I bought last month.It became faulty a week ago,so I went to your store to get it fixed.But when I arrived there,I was told that there is something wrong with the warranty document.
S:I see,so you need to see the manager to get it fixed.
C:That’s right,they told me to come here to see Mr___ and see if he can help with anything.
S:Alrighty,just let me check his schedule.Ummm… Mr___ is currently in a meeting with the managers from other departments.You know,just regular meetings.
C:So,is he free today or not?
S:Don’t worry,the meeting should finish around half past three.Would you like to sit down in the lounge and have a glass of water?
C:Okay,so that is about an hour from now.And thanks about the offer of the water,that was very kind of you,but I think I will walk around just outside while I wait.
S:Okay,whatever suits you the best!So,I’ll see you in an hour’s time.I hope things work out for you.
C:Thank you,and see you later.


当然实际情况比说的要难.控制好心态.别把网络 网络游戏当职业.就可以了`
哎,在电脑普及之前`电子游戏室 也是同样的问题.


It is said that more and more youth indulge in the cyberspace too much, so cyberspace is behooved to be responsible for young people’s corruption. Can we just say that money is evil because it lured people to commit crimes? No. Money is created because we need it, so as cyberspace. We can’t reject the internet just because of the misuses of it. Whether it is good or not for us to surf on the internet is depend on how we use it.
Firstly, the network challenge traditional ways of doing things and give us an alternative choice in daily life. Secondly, cyberspace makes our works more convenient. People can stay at home and transact with other businessmen. Thirdly, the development of internet is a reference point of science and technology level in current society and it promote economic growth.In a word, internet has become an indispensable in our daily lives. It makes our lives easier.
But every coin has two sides, so as the cyberspace. We have to understand it. Internet won’t be responsible for young people’s corruption. It is our youth that misuse the cyberspace.
So learning how to use the cyberspace accurately is greatly important to us. We should control ourselves and make good use of it when entering the colorful world.
Whether it is good or not for us to surf on the internet is depend on how we use it.
It is said that more and more youth indulge in the cyberspace too much, so cyberspace is behooved to be responsible for young people’s corruption. Can we just say that money is evil because it lured people to commit crimes? No. Money is created because we need it, so as cyberspace. We can’t reject the internet just because of the misuses of it. Cyberspace does bring a lot of convenience to us.
Firstly, the network challenge traditional ways of doing things and give us an alternative choice in daily life. Take the way to get information for example. Newspapers are always dominant means to get information, but don’t you think it’s boring? Televisions are also pervasive in our daily life, but it always leads us to watch what it wants to show, we have rare chance to order programs. But now what you need is a computer to surf on the internet and search any information you want including videos.
Secondly, cyberspace makes our works more convenient. People can stay at home and transact with other businessmen. What’ more, you don’t need to pay for petrol to drive to the market, wait in a long line to check out or go to many stores in order to get a better price.
Thirdly, the development of internet is a reference point of science and technology level in current society and it promote economic growth.
In a word, internet has become an indispensable in our daily lives. It makes our lives easier.
But every coin has two sides, so as the cyberspace. We have to understand it. Internet won’t be responsible for young people’s corruption. It is our youth that misuse the cyberspace.
Everyone knows and use it almost everyday to communicate with family members, friends and sometimes strangers. can sometimes replace the phones as a high-tech tool for communicating. More and more people believe that they can find their cups of tea through the cyberspace, so they spend much time on chatting with the opposite sex friends in wandering that they can find love. I don’t think it’s feasible. Some one said that e-chat is equal as cheat. Although it doesn’t happen all the time, it is true. What’s more, it takes us too much time and influences our normal lives.
So learning how to use the cyberspace accurately is greatly important to us. We should control ourselves and make good use of it when entering the colorful world. And my suggestion is make a schedule by yourself which will tell you how long you should surf on the internet. Remember to comply with the schedule

求英语高手给写个作文!on internet addiction分为两段,1:网瘾的危害.2:怎样杜绝网瘾.要求:120单词左右.手机,没办法用翻译器

With the development of the computer technology,the internet is becoming more and more popular.You can find computers and the internet nearly everywhere in our life,work and study.Even,the internet is becoming one of the most important parts in our social life.But,some young people,especially some of the students,are too addicted to the net surfing.They spend too much time on the games,chatting,movie seeing and even shopping online.That will not be good,even harmful for their hearts,health and their attitude towards the world,only because the internet is so complicated that it is not easy for the young people to control themselves.

标签: 研究表明:青少年心理问题与手机使用几乎无关(青少年心理对身体好吗) 因疫情偷走了青春,美国超过五分之二的青少年抑郁了(美国青少年现状) 为什么越来越多的青少年被诊断为双相情感障碍?(青少年双相情感障碍家长贴吧) 研究表明:青少年心理问题与手机使用几乎无关(基于社会心理学视角,分析青年手机依赖的现状) 【荐】如何开启积极的自我对话模式(积极的自我对话的好处) 与AI对话:你真的懂我吗(你真的懂爱吗) 如何才能真正的帮到青少年(如何帮助青少年正确成长) 研究表明:青少年心理问题与手机使用几乎无关(青少年心理问题的危害) 英国大量青少年变性后后悔,精神医学、心理学界应反省(英国反复变性人) 青少年普遍焦虑的背景下,父母应该迁就孩子的焦虑吗?(焦虑时代父母该做什么不该做什么) 因疫情偷走了青春,美国超过五分之二的青少年抑郁了(美国学生抑郁率) 青少年心理咨询:孩子遭遇校园暴力,作为家长怎么做?(孩子遭遇校园暴力后该如何疏导) 亲社会实验室青少年自恋和成年人自恋(青少年自恋有什么表现) 与黑狗相伴的“绝望”与“希望”《少年抑郁症》(少年抑郁的表现有哪些症状) 英国大量青少年变性后后悔,精神医学、心理学界应反省(英国变性tara) 荣格和他的“永恒少年”(荣格原型) 青少年心理咨询:当青少年厌学抑郁,如何预防悲剧发生(青少年厌学应对锦囊) 与黑狗相伴的“绝望”与“希望”《少年抑郁症》(少年说抑郁症少年视频) 青少年抑郁症:我的孩子为什么会抑郁?(为什么青少年抑郁症越来越多) 精神分析家,帮助青少年构建自己的房子!(精神分析案例) 精神分析家,帮助青少年构建自己的房子!(精神分析模式) 青少年心理:「我都是为你好」是亲子关系中最大的坑!(我都是为你好作文800字议论文) 27岁确诊中度抑郁:这种经历藏着多少年轻人的噩梦(23岁中度抑郁症) 五大策略,应对青少年焦虑抑郁等情绪问题(五大策略,应对青少年焦虑抑郁等情绪问题的措施) 从《雀斑公主》看青少年成长的自我同一性(雀斑mv) 如何应对养育青少年所面临的挑战?(青少年面对的问题及对策) 科研成果丨青少年人格发展的基本特征与阶层差异(青少年人格形成与发展的因素) 如何才能真正的帮到青少年(如何帮助青少年成长) 如何才能真正的帮到青少年(如何帮助青少年) 与AI对话:你真的懂我吗(与ai对话:你真的懂我吗英文) 精神分析家,帮助青少年构建自己的房子!(精神分析50讲) 研究表明:青少年心理问题与手机使用几乎无关(当今青少年心理问题数据) 青少年抑郁症筛查:为什么要筛?筛出来怎么办?(抑郁筛查多少钱) 无声的呐喊——青少年自伤行为的心理分析(青少年自伤成瘾) 青少年抑郁症:我的孩子为什么会抑郁?(青少年患抑郁症的原因) 研究表明:青少年心理问题与手机使用几乎无关(关于当前青少年常见的心理问题及对策研究) 因疫情偷走了青春,美国超过五分之二的青少年抑郁了(美国疫情有年轻人死亡吗) 认识自我的人,都活得很舒畅:你多久没和自己对话了?(人认识自己) 青春有几年,疫情占三年写给抑郁青少年的一封公开信(疫情下人民日报写给青少年的八封信) 从《雀斑公主》看青少年成长的自我同一性(雀斑儿chn) 2022年青少年抑郁功能恢复蓝皮书(2021年青少年抑郁症数据) 父母警惕:儿童青少年抑郁的10个信号(少年儿童的抑郁症) 青少年心理咨询:青少年自伤说不出的痛,家长如何应对(青少年自残的心理治疗) 面对“银发族”父母们沉迷网络,子女该如何理性应对?(父母怎样对待网瘾少年) 青少年普遍焦虑的背景下,父母应该迁就孩子的焦虑吗?(父母的焦虑情绪影响到孩子) 如何理解青少年抑郁|唯“原生家庭论”?(青少年抑郁的社会因素) 科研成果丨青少年人格发展的基本特征与阶层差异(青少年人格发展的基本特点) 青少年心理咨询:13岁女儿厌学网瘾、焦虑,该怎么办?(13岁网瘾怎么治疗) 青少年心理:「我都是为你好」是亲子关系中最大的坑!(我都是为你好作文高中议论文) 《青春王室》,击中多少家庭和青少年的“软肋”(青春王室2021) 青少年心理咨询:当青少年厌学抑郁,如何预防悲剧发生(青少年厌学心理疏导) 孩子为什么会伤害自己的身体?解读青少年的自伤行为(小孩子伤害自己怎么办) 儿童青少年心理咨询不允许孩子哭,究竟有多残忍?(孩子不愿意心理咨询) 从《雀斑公主》看青少年成长的自我同一性(雀斑传说) 儿童青少年心理咨询不允许孩子哭,究竟有多残忍?(小孩子心理咨询) 抑郁症少年喝符水致死!都2022年了,为什么还在迷信?(喝符水真的有用吗) 终于不失眠了!直达潜意识的自我对话治愈了我(终于不失眠了的句子) 儿童青少年心理咨询:如何预防儿童青少年自杀?(如何预防少年儿童心理问题) 重读弗洛伊德《哀伤与忧郁》,里面藏着平安的寓意(哀伤与欢乐的对话阅读答案) 五大策略,应对青少年焦虑抑郁等情绪问题(如何应对青少年抑郁症) 【荐】如何开启积极的自我对话模式(积极的自我对话与消极的自我对话的区别) 认识自我的人,都活得很舒畅:你多久没和自己对话了?(自己认识自己) 青少年心理咨询:13岁女儿厌学网瘾、焦虑,该怎么办?(十三岁女孩厌学厌世) 青春有几年,疫情占三年写给抑郁青少年的一封公开信(写给抗疫青年的一封信) 为什么越来越多的青少年被诊断为双相情感障碍?(青少年双相情感障碍可以完全治愈吗)
