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depressed 和depressiv-抑郁症情景对话英语

depressed 和depressiv

depressed 和depressive的区别 exchange 和interchange呢


In the modern society,more and more people are suffering from melancholia.Some people think that poor people and those who do not have high education are inclined to have melancholia.In my opinion,it has nothing to do with a person’s wealth and advanced degree.
No matter he is rich or poor; he will live happily if he finds the meaning of life and the joy of love.Some people are not rich at all,but they can live happily and will seldom suffer melancholia.the poor are busy living to change their situation and they have no time to think of something upsetting them.In the contrast,rich people are free and sometimes they have nothing to do,they are worried about things unnecessarily.
An advanced degree and high education do not mean happy.As we know,some excellent writers committed because of melancholia,which can prove that well-educated people will also suffer from melancholia.People who did not have high education can have meaningful and colourful life,their lives are simple and pure,and they are under much less pressure.
Melancholia doesn’t have a certain relationship with who you are.What is most important is how you live and your attitude to life.




The elders don't eat and wear well in normal times.Some old people live alone and some live in the old folk's home.They feel lonly.The investigation show that the lonly elders will easily suffer from ...




eom跟emo区别在于单词的顺序不同,  有代表的英语缩写不同,但 代表网络流行语意思差不多


mdd指抑郁症,是一种常见的精神疾病。单词缩写为Major Depressive Disorder,简称为:MDD。主要表现为情绪低落,兴趣减低、悲观、思维迟缓、缺乏主动性、饮食和睡眠差等等。担心自己患有各种疾病,感到全身多处不适,严重者可出现念头和行为。


热门搜索: 质性研究|咨询师在抑郁和焦虑治疗中使用正念的经验(质的研究心理咨询和治疗常采用这种什么访谈) 焦虑、抑郁风险增加30以上,疫情或影响人类心理20年(疫情对抑郁症的影响) 健康问答,健康咨询,咨询医生,疾病咨询